
Be yourself the change you want for this world – by Mahatma Gandhi

Call to 1250 Clubs – request to 34000 Soroptimists – in 62 countries of SIE

As fellow members of a worldwide service organization of women in business and profession we are committed to a world in which women and girls can achieve their individual and collective potential, to realize their aspirations and to exercise an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities.


We already work successfully for decades in our communities, Unions and Single Clubs to improve the lives of women and girls.


The National Unions and Clubs of SIE initiate, support, fundraise for/or implement more than 4500 projects per year.  We are on a good way continuing to ensure access education, aid economic empowerment, eliminate violence against women and girls.


Beyond we are also successful in ensuring access to healthcare and in raising awareness for specific needs concerning sustainable environmental concerns.


Receiving encouraging information about programme work concerning the operative level of real projects we are well informed about what’s going on across SIE in the area of Programme.


In purpose to support both ourselves and our endeavours by running the current projects of interest across the borders, we have implemented the SIE Project Matching Tool during the past biennium.


The Soroptimist Project Matching is a netWORK where assistance for Soroptimist projects can be offered or requested.


The objective of this collaboration is to match resources between Unions / Clubs / Single Clubs of the European Federation – those that need assistance with a local project (seeking support) and those able to assist (offering support).


The life situations of both Soroptimists who ask us for help and those women who are suffering are constantly changing. The focus of our fellow members on location is concentrated on the fates of women, girls and families who only count on them. But their abilities, capacities and resources are limited.


So they call for support by using the Project Matching Tool.


Through the Project Matching, Soroptimists around the SIE Federation can receive support for their projects and offer help. It opens a new dimension and gives us new possibilities.


Facing this win-win-effect do feel now invited to choose a project of your interest by area of focus in the current biennium.


15 projects are implemented on the SIE Website


You can promote for example:

  • Educational Empowerment of Girl Students with Visual Impairment (Ethiopia) or
  • Promote sustainable organic kitchen gardening and dairy goat Keeping (Kenya)… or what’s about
  • Girls leadership training (Kenya)

All announced projects show how strong the work of our fellow members is on Programme Projects across SIE.


And in case they would receive some more support from YOU and interunion initiatives, they would improve to exercise their rights much better. They would become role models of hope and energetic activists and pioneers by making their ideas and aspirations come true.


Be aware: the key to a fairer world, the key to permanently changing poverty, social ills and disadvantages, is education, equality and solidarity.


Only if all people have equal access to resources, educational development and income opportunities, they all will have the same opportunities to care for themselves and their families and to live a self-determined life.


Keep in mind that also the UN has taken note of these specific needs. SDG 5 is particularly dedicated to GENDER EQUALITY.


There’s still a lot to do. All of you should stand up and give reply to the calling clubs and disadvantaged women and girls. This is a genuine mission and demand addressing each member to get active.


They call us, they call you – stretch out your hands and let’s help them!

Do feel more responsible and share your profits and knowledge in the sense of the “spirit of Soroptimist”.

Thanks for your appreciated solidarity, your interest, your time and your donation in future.


Ingeborg DIETZ, SIE Programme Director

Inge WITHOF, SIE Assistant Programme Director