
The SIE Communications team distributed a Branding Kit to Union and Single Club Presidents and launched the video “Standing up for yourself is standing up for women everywhere” on 31 October.  The short, minute and a half emotive video shows the struggles of women from all kinds of backgrounds and professions facing inequality and disrespect in everyday situations. Each in her own way challenges the men and stands up for herself. This boldness has a butterfly effect because it inspired other women to assert themselves as well, just like Soroptimists!


There are two phases to the launch of this video. The first is to test the waters organically and see how Soroptimists engage. The second phase is to promote the video through paid advertisement on Facebook. This advertisement will target women in the age demographic of the members we want to join SIE! But before reaching this phase, we want to see how much more the video can spread through our members! So, please view the video on SIE Facebook and then like it and share it as widely as possible!


The Communications team created the Branding Kit in order to help Soroptimists spread our message and create general traffic about our organisation across social media. It contains an introduction video to the branding campaign, a helpful guide on how to use social media, downloadable files of the emotive and animated video, and summaries of dynamic SIE projects. This kit is extremely helpful to show potential members and the wider public what we are all about! You can play the videos at meetings, and use the projects explain how Soroptimists throughout the Federation improve the lives of women and girls.


We believe that all Soroptimists should have access to it so it is now available on the member area under DOWNLOADS > SIE BRANDING KIT.