Dear Soroptimists,
It is already two and a half months since I took over. I’d like to invite you to join me in working for women and girls.
The most important things now are CONSISTENCY and CONTINUITY. We have to be consistent with the mission and vision of Soroptimist International as we belong to the global Organisation which has a consultative status at the United Nations and the Council of Europe; Consistent with Sustainable Development Goals (of the UN), especially in education and eliminating gender-based violence. Continuity is crucial if we want to be effective, working for long-term goals and multiply achievements.
The Board and I have decided to keep on the motto of my predecessor for the next 6 years: We stand up for women. For the projects to be sustainable we need time: to plan, to implement, evaluate, modify and provide further assistance.
We will be standing up for women through education and fighting gender-based violence. Mentoring and Advocacy will be the main tools. Mentoring is a great opportunity to rejuvenate and activate our Organisation and ourselves. We will use our professional potential and experience, it is our duty to share what we’ve learned with other women. I believe that we have a lot to offer and a lot to learn from younger people. As to Advocacy, we all could see the great success of the campaign that Union Advocacy Co-ordinators and members of the Board were preparing for over a year. Orange the World was visible in all cities! Congratulations!
We still have to work on explaining the reason why we do it – that shockingly, one in three women are victims of violence.
We shall also involve more organisations and young people in our activities. Networking with other active, creative, professional women, global and local leaders and communities.
Let’s be a modern Organisation providing a forum for continuous learning and sharing experience, offering an opportunity to build relations with people on whom one can always rely. The Organisation with members who are not afraid of accepting young people into clubs, who are an asset, not a threat, who are not afraid of modern technologies that are a challenge and opportunity.
All Unions and Clubs do projects, as they are the essence of our existence, they involve our communities giving us visibility, credibility and renown. Think how can you Stand up for women through your projects and do what your local communities need.
My biennium 2019 – 2021 is going to have two important events: the celebration of 100 years of Soroptimist and the Congress, which for the first time ever will be organised in Eastern Europe, in Krakow, July 2 – 4th 2021. Both events will be combined, so please come to Krakow and celebrate with other Soroptimists.
So let’s be proud of being Soroptimists, let’s change the world! Having fun and enjoying every moment of it!