Dear Soroptimists,
The restrictions of COVID-19 are slowly being lifted. We are all craving to go out, meet other people, having a drink with friends, some of these pleasures are allowed, but not for group meetings, so the need for digital communication remains.
Almost all of us, even the most eager opponents, learned how to use communication platforms, to be in touch with their family and friends. Therefore, virtual membership, which seemed to be distant and rather abstractive, became quite close and practical.
Especially for young women, the web is a natural environment where they communicate on an everyday basis.
With this fact, there is an urgent need to start e-clubs. As the new Constitution has not been voted yet, and it is not known when will be the earliest opportunity to vote, we must use the existing club constitution on a basis that an online meeting is a meeting, no matter where and how it is held. SIE Board is working on temporary solutions.
I urge you to motivate your younger members who are more likely to have the necessary IT skills to start proper eClubs, meaning, having an online club house, board and membership fees.
At the same time, there will be a need for online meetings for non eClub members, which is a great addition and flexibility to meetings, but I believe that online meetings do turn a Club into an e-Clubs!
In closing, I’d like to pay respect to Soroptimists who are busy advocating, gathering funds and helping the needy. I’m proud to be a Soroptimist!
Always yours,