Dear Soroptimists,
Although the times remain uncertain, the beginning of the new Soroptimist year brings many events we can look forward to.
First, the Soroptimist Development Goals training will hopefully bring the needed change of our approach to our membership challenges. We must approach our membership issue in a more holistic way. Our activities should lead to making our organisation attractive to potential members, and to existing members today. I look forward to taking part in this day exciting day, on November 7th.
Secondly, I am very much looking forward to the 3rd October as the Centenary campaign “Brilliant Past and Bright Future” begins. Unfortunately, celebrations in San Francisco scheduled for next year were cancelled, yet I am confident that we will all be able to celebrate online, through sharing our brilliant past and bright future on social media. Please watch out on SIE social media as will also be sharing some great posts. I am sure many of you have already seen that we have enhanced our presence on social media, through posts that highlight our great project work, photo competition winners and submissions, advocacy initiatives and our overall organisation.
My aim is to have more testimonials and presentations of our projects highlight through SIE social media. I am proud of our projects, scholarships, mentoring, leadership academy and several other initiatives, which all need to be highlighted to our own Soroptimists and the world. What greatly helps to have a global overview and gather this information is through the Annual Report. The request for the information will be sent out later this week. It is so important that we will provide the information to SIE HQ so we can have an overview of the incredible work and impact of our Federation as a whole.
And finally, SI and its former President Mariet Verhoef – Cohen has launched their Annual Report, a link is available in this newsletter – really impressive!
So let’s boast we are Soroptimists, always active and helping others!
By Anna Wszelaczyńska,
SIE President 2019-2021