Among the flood of information that is reaching us, there was wonderful news – Africa going to have its own Federation!
If not Coronavirus we would all be preparing for the great day in April. Now, the celebration of their chartering is postponed to November 13 – 15th. For all of us it will be an exceptional event. The last Federation was chartered such a long time ago, that few of us remember it.
My sincere congratulations to all people who have been involved in the process, to all members of Task Forces, to SIE and SIGBI officers.
I believe there is a brilliant future ahead for the African Federation – they have well educated, young members full of enthusiasm. They implement good projects in close co-operation with local women. These projects bring tangible results, which is so inspiring and boosting to all. Club members are well-grounded in local societies and well connected with local decision-makers which will allow them to introduce necessary changes.
Hopefully, they are going to learn from us and will not repeat our mistakes. They still need capable and hard-working women at all levels of the Federation, I know they have them and I believe they will lead the Federation forward.
I feel like a mother hen watching her young leaving home, I want to lead them and give good advice, knowing at the same time they are already better than us in many aspects. But if they need any assistance from older and more experienced ones – they know where to find us – I’m sure we are all ready to help, any time.
Dear African Soroptimists! All of the best on your path to success!
Anna Wszelaczyńska
SIE President 2019-2021