About this project SI Italy in collaboration with SI Club Cremona

The Union of Italy has launched a national solidarity project during this pandemic period. Soroptimists offer free psychological support in order to cope with this difficult moment.

Many professionals have made their expertise and experience available to offer telephone assistance. Among these, Paola Cattenati member of the Cremona Club.

Living in the context of an epidemic is obviously not neutral from a psychic point of view. A global epidemic is a traumatic event whether one is directly concerned or more distant. This kind of event can generate a strong emotional charge that is very difficult to control, which can have numerous psychological repercussions: stress, anxiety, depressive states, insomnia, panic attacks, etc.

In addition, the confinement caused by the Covid-19 exacerbates domestic and family violence, where the main victims are women and children.

The Soroptimists of Italy have therefore made available a service which is managed by a team of 30 members including psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts and which is active from Monday to Saturday via the address assistenza.psicologhe@soroptimist it or by WhatsApp message at +44 7857 546048.

Union - Clubs


phone +39 02 5462611

fax +39 02 599 02 397

Contact the union