
Dear Soroptimists,


Many of you may have been wondering if the GM planned to be held on June 26-28, 2020 in Prague will take place. Today we are living under extraordinary circumstances, and extraordinary situations require extraordinary decisions.


The Board decided at its meeting on April 2 to cancel the GM in Prague, from today’s perspective it seemed impossible to hold a GM with all members physically attending.


It was recognised that our Federation must continue to move forward given the circumstances, after further careful review and analysis, the Board also decided to hold an electronic Governors Meeting to vote on statutory necessary matters, where only Governors will attend. Later, it is planned to have an extraordinary face to face Governors meeting be held in September in Prague for only Governors and Union & Single Club Having Rights Presidents to vote on other topics that require a decision prior to vote. The traditional GM format of workshops, Federation dinner etc that add to our Governors Meeting will not be in the agenda this year.


It is with a heavy heart to make such announcements, but I trust that all Soroptimists would agree that such actions were needed. Please stay safe and stay home.


Kind regards,

Anna Wszelaczyńska
SIE President 2019-2021