
As part of SI Centenary celebrations, (re)discover every month a project from the last ten years, carried out by SIE Unions and clubs. See how the actions of our Bright Past influence and impact our Brilliant Future!

SI Norway and SI Club Chisinau

This counter-trafficking project targeted four boarding schools (age 13-16) in Moldovan rural areas that are especially exposed to trafficking as girls from boarding schools are often unprepared for real life. Overall goals have been to prevent trafficking of young women in Moldova by life skills education. The Norwegian Union hired and trained nine social workers to assist the girls during the project period. In addition, the Union gave active assistance to 30 graduates in continuing professional education and adjustment to life outside residential institutions and also provided them with accommodations ensuring living expenses. Over 130 girls received training and support, life skills education, meaningful leisure activities, encouragement to higher education, vocational training and teaching to prevent trafficking – all in a safe social environment. In addition to receiving training, the nine social workers earned a living. Through this project close contacts developed between the Union of Norway and Soroptimists in Chisinau.