
Dear Soroptimist friends,


I thoroughly enjoyed the animated discussions with my team and fantastic atmosphere of the first SIE Board Meeting of my biennium.


By now, you all know my biennium slogan, ‘We Stand Up for Women’. I am passionate about defending women’s rights, but the Board is also tasked with other duties to strengthen our organisation.


Besides the familiar responsibilities of Programme, Extension, Scholarships, Communications and the revision of our Constitutions and By-Laws, I want to share the new areas of focus which have been assigned to our four Vice Presidents.


Virtual Development – Carolien

First Vice President Carolien Demey aims to increase membership and improve the quality of Soroptimist life by developing a strategy for virtual Unions and virtual membership.


Advocacy – Elizabeth

VP Elizabeth Otieno Nyadwe and her team will strengthen advocacy, for example by introducing webinars for those responsible for advocacy at Union level and by building a database of experts.


Mentoring – Verena

VP Verena von Tresclow-Bronke will promote mentoring programmes in more Unions by sharing experience and developing new approaches with the support of Elena Savu and the SIE Task Force.


Strategy Eastern Europe – Zaneta

VP Zaneta Vysniauskiene will reach out to existing Unions and Single Clubs in Eastern Europe to identify problems and needs and then devise a strategy for expansion and better retention.


The Board Meeting offered the opportunity to prepare individual Action Plans with clear tasks and deadlines. I was thrilled by the positive energy in Leuven!


I am grateful for and inspired by the commitment of my team. It is my sincere wish to spread this enthusiasm throughout the Federation. Because motivated Soroptimists are certain to be more effective, when

We Stand Up for Women!


Best wishes

 Renata Trottman - signature

Renata Trottmann Probst

SIE President 2017-2019