
“Opening Doors to a Bright Future”, is the Soroptimist International (SI) President’s Appeal, 2021-2023, officially launching 1 October 2021.

Headed by SI President Maureen Maguire, who took up her role as President in January 2022, the Appeal, now part of the broader, recently established Soroptimist International Foundation (*), springs from the learnings and success of many of the SI Appeals that have gone before; uniting Soroptimists, Clubs, Unions and the five Federations, with the aim of delivering tangible benefits to some of the world’s most marginalised women, girls, and their communities. With plans to establish Appeal projects in each of the five Soroptimist Federations, the launch project will take place within the Federation of the South-West Pacific, in the South East Asia Nation of Cambodia.



Building on a tangible thread running through the very heart of Soroptimist work, “Opening Doors to a Bright Future” will cement the Soroptimist belief and commitment to Education throughout the life-course, and its immense power and fundamental role as a driver for sustainable development, peace, and equality. Investing in girls’ education brings high rewards, breaking cycles of poverty and aiding economic growth. Education empowers women, girls, and their communities, delivering skills and knowledge, whilst increasing confidence. Enabling women and girls to make informed decisions affecting their future wellbeing, health, participation, and quality of life.


President-Elect Maureen explains: “Education is the tool to tackle multiple barriers faced by women and girls today. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, progress was visible in the delivery of quality education around the world, however, the past 17 months, has taken a toll, with UNICEF estimating 156 million children and young people are out of school. Of these, six out of 10 have no access to basic literacy and numeracy.


Estimates further suggest 750 million adults are illiterate, with many living in poverty, facing marginalisation, and disadvantage. Inequitable access to educational resources and learning is exacerbated by the digital divide, and as such, opening the door to education is an essential goal in each of our Appeal projects. This criterion will allow us to meet our proposed, measurable objectives, driving real change and lasting impact to families, and the local and broader communities where we work”.



Provide access to education in all its forms for disadvantaged and marginalised women and girls.

Provide education to women and girls in a safe, friendly, and stimulating environment where there is equality of opportunity and support for all.

Develop mentoring programmes that encourage confidence, self-esteem and increase the participation of women and girls in society and in decision-making.

Increase access to information, educational resources, and services, to empower women and girls to make informed life-choices.


How to support Opening Doors to a Bright Future

Share the Social Media Resources for Opening Doors to a Bright Future through your own channels and at Club, Region, Union or any further upcoming events and meetings. Available on the SIHQ Trello Board at:


Plan a fundraiser to raise funds and drive awareness of the power of Education.


Share the stories that will be available on the Soroptimist International website as and when available on the projects taking place initially in Cambodia, and the subsequent projects to be established around the world.




World Vision Georgia

Rose Academies Uganda


Purchase the Soroptimist International Opening Doors to a Bright Future pin.


Get in touch with us with your thoughts, questions, fundraising photographs, or video clips we would love to see and hear your stories!  Email the SI Presidents Appeal team


Thank you for your commitment to driving change as we enter our next century of work as Soroptimists.  With your support, we can Open Doors to a Bright Future for women and girls across the globe.



Soroptimist International