The message is clear: small changes in one area can grow into much greater changes elsewhere. Believing that by supporting women’s personal development through education and assistance with childcare the benefits will be felt throughout wider society, Soroptimist Club Uludağ launched the ‘World of Butterfly’ project at the Yeşim Textile Company in 2013, which employs a large number of female workers.
In cooperation with the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV), the Club organised in-company lectures and training courses on three main topics: ‘Women and Health’, ‘Women and the Law’ and ‘Women and the Family’. So far, 62 educators have given 124 hours of tuition with sessions being attended by over 3000 women. A dedicated ‘World of Butterfly’ room was opened at the company on 6 March 2014 – just two days before International Women’s Day.