Soroptimist International of Europe is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the “Women in Sport” Prize, as part of its continuing efforts to strengthen and highlight women’s role in and contribution to sports across all layers of society.
Acting on the initiative of some Clubs, SIE has agreed to create and bestow an SIE Women in Sport Prize, which will be funded by donations from Clubs as well as a contribution from SIE.
Nominees should be athletes and/or sports trainers and coaches whose daily pursuits and responsibilities embody the “mens sana in corpore sano” ideal.
This year any club can nominate a candidate. However, from 2019 only those clubs which have participated in the “Women in Sport – Mens sana in corpore sano” project will be eligible to nominate candidates (see below).
Nominations must be submitted by 30 April 2017 using the Application Form.
For additional information, including details of the Prize funding, please see the Sport Prize Guidelines.
Please submit all the documents by email to SIE President Elisabetta de Franciscis (SIEpresident[at] and the Chair of the Scholarship Committee Maria Luisa Frosio (mlfrosio[at], copy to SIE HQ (siehq[at]
Please widely spread the message to your members!
SIE aims to empower women by striving to increase and strengthen women’s presence across all areas of human endeavour. These efforts include awards and scholarships to further women’s activities. Until now, Federation actions in support of women in sports have been limited, the Marathon in Rwanda being the exception. The “Women in Sport” Prize will take this support to a whole new level, not only by offering women greater opportunities in sports, but also by promoting equal opportunities in sports, where gender inequality is still widespread.
SIE has created the “Women in Sport” Prize in response to a proposal by a number of SIE Clubs which, over many years, have used sport – and golf in particular – to raise funds for various projects.
In order to help fund the Prize, a “Women in Sport”- Mens sana in corpore sano project – will be launched to invite SIE Clubs to organise fundraising sports events. The aim is to use part of the profits (with a minimum contribution of €100) to co-fund the SIE Sport Prize. More information on the “Women in Sport”- Mens sana in corpore sano project will be made available on the SIE website.
The Working Group
Maria Luisa Frosio
Patrizia Salmoiraghi
Kirsti Varis